Penny Stone-Saunders      6/20/16 2:48 PM
Sending you remote hugs. I know how hard Father's Day can be from personal experience. Hope you feel a little stronger today.Penny Stone-Saunders      2/28/16 7:06 PM
It's called "The everyday stories of Baggy Body and her gang" Laura. It's in the Journal series and is basically a (hopefully) humorous diary about my life. I agree totally that writing is cathartic. It has helped me to get through a very difficult four months. Thank you for your support. I enjoy your "worries".Penny Stone-Saunders      2/02/16 8:53 PM
How do you persuade yourself not to give up? My blog (much to my surprise) has gone international. But no one has subscribed to my series yet :( It takes much, much longer to write but clearly I'm not getting it right. I love to write, but if no one reads it, is there a point? Please don't give up, I enjoy your entries.Rachel McGrath      9/27/15 7:06 AM
Don't give up on your writing! Just read your last post xRachel McGrath      9/04/15 11:51 AM
Laura I look forward to reading your series - very courageous of you :)